Circuito: Dicionário Bíblico e versículos na Bíblia
Circuito – Dicionário Bíblico de Easton
A aparente revolução diurna do sol em torno da terra (Salmos 19.6), e as mudanças do vento (Eclesiastes 1.6). Em João 22.14, “no circuito do céu” (RSV marg., “na abóbada do céu”) significa a “abóbada do céu,” que parece estar curvada sobre nossas cabeças.
Easton, Matthew George. “Entrada para Circuito”. “Dicionário Bíblico de Easton”.
Circuito – Enciclopédia Internacional da Bíblia Padrão
Sur’-kit, “a going around”:
Used to represent several Hebrew words in several senses, e.g. the sun’s orbit (tequphah),
; the vault of the heavens (chugh),João 22.14
the King James Version; the circuit of the winds (cabhibh), ; Samuel’s visiting of communities (cabhabh), . In the Revised Version (British and American) the idea of encircling or “fetching a compass” (the King James Version) is expressed by the phrase “to make a circuit” (hacebh), ; ; and in the Revised Version, margin it indicates a plain (ha-kikkar), . The Greek perielthontes is translated in the same way (), but the Revised Version, margin reads “cast loose,” following the Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in Greek reading perielontes.Apoie Nosso Trabalho
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Nathan Isaacs
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. “Entry for ‘CIRCUIT’”. “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia”. 1915.
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