Início Dicionário C Cilicia

Cilicia na Bíblia. Significado e Versículos sobre Cilicia

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Província marítima ao sueste da Ásia Menor, cercada de altas cordilheiras. A parte oriental era notável pela sua beleza, fertilidade e suavidade do seu clima – e tornou-se, por isso, a residência favorita dos gregos, depois que a Grécia foi incorporada no império da Macedônia.

A sua capital, Tarso, foi sede de uma celebrada escola de filosofia. Era a Cilícia, pela sua posição geográfica, a via de comunicação entre a Síria e o ocidente – e na idade apostólica estabeleceram-se os judeus ali em número considerável.

Tarso era a terra natal de Paulo (Atos 9.1 – Atos 30 – Atos 21.39Atos 22.3) – logo depois da sua conversão ele visitou a Cilícia (Atos 9.30Gálatas 1.21), dirigindo-se para ali outra vez por ocasião da sua segunda viagem missionária (Atos 15.41).

Cilicia – Dicionário Bíblico de Easton


Uma província marítima no sudeste da Ásia Menor. Tarso, o local de nascimento de Paulo, era uma de suas principais cidades e o centro de uma célebre escola de filosofia. Seu clima luxuoso atraiu muitos residentes gregos após sua incorporação ao império macedônio.

Foi formada como uma província romana em 67 a. C. Os judeus da Cilícia tinham uma sinagoga em Jerusalém (Atos 6.9). Paulo a visitou logo após sua conversão (Gálatas 1.21; Atos 9.30) e novamente em sua segunda viagem missionária (15:41), “ele passou pela Síria e Cilícia, confirmando as igrejas.” Era famosa por seu tecido de pelo de cabra, chamado cilício.

Paulo aprendeu na juventude o ofício de fazer tendas com esse tecido.

Easton, Matthew George. “Entry for Cilicia”. “Easton’s Bible Dictionary”.

Cilicia – Dicionário de Nomes Bíblicos de Hitchcock


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Hitchcock, Roswell D. “Entry for ‘Cilicia’”. “An Interpreting Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names”. New York, N.Y. – Atos 1869

Cilicia – Dicionário Bíblico de Smith


(the land of Celix), a maritime province in the southeast of Asia Minor, bordering on Pamphylia in the west, Lycaonia and Cappadocia in the north, and Syria in the east. Atos 6.9 Cilicia was from its geographical position the high road between Syria and the west; it was also the native country of St.

Paul, hence it was visited by him, firstly, soon after his conversion, Atos 9.30 ; Gálatas 1.21 and again in his second apostolical journey. Atos 15.41

Smith, William, Dr. “Entry for ‘Cilicia’”. “Smith’s Bible Dictionary”. 1901.

Cilicia – Enciclopédia Internacional da Bíblia Padrão


An important province at the Southeast angle of Asia Minor, corresponding nearly with the modern Turkish vilayet of Adana; enfolded between the Taurus mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, with the Amanus range on the East and Pamphylia on the West; chief rivers, the Pyramus, Sarus, Cydnus and Calycadnus.

The character of Cilician history has been largely determined by the physical features of the province. It is divided by nature into a mountainous part to the West, called Tracheia, and a broad, alluvial plain, hot and fertile, toward the East, termed Campestris or Pedias.

Cilicia has always been isolated from its neighbors by land by its encircling mountains, save for its two famous mountain passes, the “Syrian Gates,” which offer an easy road to Antioch and the South, and the wonderful “Cilician Gates,” which open a road to central and western Asia Minor.

Through these passes the armies and the pilgrims, the trade and the travel of the centuries have made their way. Alexander was one of the most renowned leaders of such expeditions, and at Issus he met and shattered the power of the Persian empire.

The early settlers of Cilicia are held to have been Semitic Syrians and Phoenicians, but in the still earlier days the inhabitants must have been Hittites. While few Hittite remains have been brought to light in Cilicia proper, the province was so surrounded by Hittites, and such important works of Hittite art and industry remain on the outskirts of the province, as at Ivriz, Marash, Sinjirli and Sakche Geuzi, that the intervening territory could hardly fail to be overspread with the same civilization and imperial power.

Cilicia appears as independent under Syennesis, a contemporary of Alyattes of Lydia – Atos 610 BC. Later it passed under the Persian sway, but retained its separate line of kings. After Alexander the Seleucid rulers governed Cilicia from Antioch.

The disturbances of the times enabled the pirates so to multiply and establish themselves in their home base, in Cilicia, Tracheia, that they became the scourge of the Mediterranean until their power was broken by Pompey (67-66 BC).

Cilicia was by degrees incorporated in the Roman administration, and Cicero, the orator, was governor (51-50 BC).

The foremost citizen of the province was Saul of Tarsus. Students or pilgrims from Cilicia like himself disputed with Stephen. Some of the earliest labors of the great apostle were near his home, in Syria and Cilicia.

On his voyage to Rome he sailed across the sea which is off Cilicia. Constantinople and Antioch may be regarded as the front and back door of Asia Minor, and as the former was not founded till the 4th century, Asia Minor may be regarded as fronting during apostolic days on Antioch.

Cilicia was intimately connected with its neighbor province on the South. The first Christian apostles and evangelists followed the great highways, through the famous mountain passes, and carried the religion of Jesus to Asia Minor from Antioch as a base.

Armenians migrating from the North founded kingdom in Cilicia under Roupen which was terminated by the overthrow of King Levon, or Leo, by the conquering Turks in 1393. A remnant of this kingdom survives in the separate Armenian catholicate of Sis, which has jurisdiction over few bishoprics, and Armenians are among the most virile of the present inhabitants of the province.

G. E. White

Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. “Entry for ‘CILICIA’”. “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia”. 1915.

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