Início Dicionário D Dorcas

Dorcas na Bíblia. Significado e Versículos sobre Dorcas

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Dorcas – Dicionário Bíblico de Easton


Uma gazela, uma viúva cristã piedosa em Jope que Pedro restaurou à vida (Atos 9.36-41). Ela era uma judia helenística, chamada Tabita pelos judeus e Dorcas pelos gregos.

Easton, Matthew George. “Entrada para Dorcas”. “Dicionário Bíblico de Easton”.

Dorcas – Dicionário de Nomes Bíblicos de Hitchcock


Uma corça fêmea

Hitchcock, Roswell D. “Entry for ‘Dorcas’”. “An Interpreting Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names”. New York, N.Y. – Atos 1869

Dorcas – Dicionário Bíblico de Smith


(gazela). [TABITA]

Smith, William, Dr. “Entrada para ‘Dorcas’”. “Dicionário Bíblico de Smith”. 1901.

Dorcas – Enciclopédia Internacional da Bíblia Padrão


Dorcas (Dorkas, the Greek equivalent of Aramaic tabitha, “a gazelle”):

The name was borne by a Christian woman of Joppa. She is called a disciple (mathetria: Acts 9:36, the only place in the New Testament where the feminine form is used). She seems to have had some means and also to have been a leader in the Christian community.

Dorcas was beloved for the manner in which she used her position and means, for she “was full of good works, and almsdeeds which she did.” Among her charities was the clothing of the poor with garments she herself made (Acts 9:39), and by following her example, numerous “Dorcas societies” in the Christian church perpetuate her memory.

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There is a local memorial in the “Tabitha School” in Jaffa devoted to the care and education of poor girls.

Her restoration to life by Peter is recorded. At the time of her death Peter was in Lydda where he had healed Aeneas. Being sent for, he went to Joppa, and, by the exercise of the supernatural powers granted to him, “he presented her alive” to the mourning community.

In consequence of this miracle “many believed on the Lord” (Acts 9:42).

S. F. Hunter

Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. “Entry for ‘DORCAS’”. “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia”. 1915.

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