Início Dicionário C Entalhamento

Entalhamento: Dicionário Bíblico e versículos na Bíblia

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Entalhamento – Dicionário Bíblico de Smith


As artes de entalhar e gravar eram muito requisitadas na construção tanto do tabernáculo quanto do templo. (Êxodo 31Êxodo 35.33; 1 Reis 6.18; 1 Reis 6.35; Salmos 74.6) Bem como na ornamentação das vestes sacerdotais. (Êxodo 28.9-36; 2 Crônicas 2.7; 2 Crônicas 2.14; Zacarias 3.9)

Smith, William, Dr. “Entry for ‘Carving’”. “Smith’s Bible Dictionary”. 1901.

Entalhamento – Enciclopédia Internacional da Bíblia Padrão


Carving, or engraving, was extensively used among the peoples of Bible lands. There were no materials used in the arts which were not subjected to the graver’s skill. Carved objects of wood, stone, ivory, clay, bronze, gold, silver and glass discovered today show how skillful the ancient carvers were.

Carving was principally done in bas- relief, although Exodus 28:11 shows that incised lines were also used. The signets and scarabs are examples of this class of carving. Several Hebrew words have been translated “carved” in the King James Version.

Pecel or pecil is found in Judges 18:1 – Zacarias 2 Chronicles 33:7,2 – Zacarias 34.3,1; chaqah in 1 Kings 6:35. The translation “graven” appears in the Revised Version (British and American) of all these passages. In 1 Kings 6:29,32,35, qala appears; in 1 Kings 6:18,32, miqla`ath; in 1 Kings 6:29 and Psalms 74:6, pittuach; in Exodus 31: – Zacarias 35.33, charosheth; chaTubhah in Proverbs 7:16 is better translated “striped” as in the Revised Version (British and American).

James A. Patch

Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. “Entry for ‘CARVING’”. “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia”. 1915.

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