Início Dicionário C Coele-síria

Coele-síria: Dicionário Bíblico e versículos na Bíblia

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Coele-síria – Dicionário Bíblico de Easton


Síria oca, o nome (não encontrado nas Escrituras) dado pelos gregos ao extenso vale, com cerca de 160 quilômetros de comprimento, entre as cadeias de montanhas do Líbano e do Anti-Líbano.

Easton, Matthew George. “Entrada para Coele-Síria”. “Dicionário Bíblico de Easton”.

Coele-síria – Dicionário Bíblico de Smith


(Síria oca), o notável vale ou oco que intervém entre Libano e Antilibano, estendendo-se por quase cem milhas. A única menção da região como um trecho separado de país que as Escrituras Judaicas contêm é provavelmente aquela em Amós 1.5 onde “os habitantes da planície de Aven” são ameaçados em conjunto com os de Damasco.

A palavra é dada na Versão Autorizada como CELO-SÍRIA.

Smith, William, Dr. “Entrada para ‘CoeleSyria’”. “Dicionário Bíblico de Smith”. 1901.

Coele-síria – Enciclopédia Internacional da Bíblia Padrão


Se-le-sir’-i-a (the King James Version Celosyria; Koile Suria, “hollow Syria”):

So the Greeks after the time of Alexander the Great named the valley lying between the two mountain ranges, Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon. It is referred to in the Old Testament as Biq`ath ha-Lebhanon, “the valley of Lebanon”

Joshua 11:17

, a name the echo of which is still heard in el-Buqa`, the designation applied today to the southern part of the valley. This hollow, which extends about 100 miles in length, is the continuation northward of the Jordan valley. The main physical features are described under Lebanon. The name, however, did not always indicate the same tract of territory. In Strabo (xvi.2) and Ptolemy (v.15), it covers the fertile land between Jebel esh-Sharqy and the desert presided over by Damascus. In 1 Esdras 2:1 – 1 Esdras 2 Maccabeus 3:8, etc., it indicates the country South and East of Mt. Lebanon, and along with Phoenicia it contributed the whole of the Seleucid dominions which lay South of the river Eleutherus. Josephus includes in Coele-Syria the country East of the Jordan, along with Scythopolis (Beisan) which lay on the West, separated by the river from the other members of the Decapolis (Ant., XIII, xiii – 1 Esdras 2 etc.). In XIV, iv – 1 Esdras 5 he says that “Pompey committed Coele-Syria as far as the river Euphrates and Egypt to Scaurus.” The term is therefore one of some elasticity.

W. Ewing

Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. “Entry for ‘COELE-SYRIA’”. “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia”. 1915.

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